Tag Archives: Time Will Tell Keith Johnson

Time Will Tell TV Series with Keith Johnson

Time Will Tell Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson, author of “His Hallowed Name Revealed Again” and “Prayer to Our Father” is on a mission. A mission to educate anyone watching his latest show “Time Will Tell” in a most entertaining way! The Time Will Tell TV Series has been ongoing for three weeks now and it’s proven to be a real thrill ride.

Keith Johnson in Time Will Tell Series
This series comes as a shocking distinction from the normal line up on The Church Channel. Much more energy, quicker pace and faster edits, Described by Keith’s website, as a docu-reality show, these 30-minute programs really seem to only take 15 minutes to watch because they move so fast and pack quite a punch of high-energy information that sometimes goes over your head unless you rewind, rewatch, and intentionally grasp.

So far the Time Will Tell series has taken us, the viewers, on an adventure from the temple mount in Jerusalem, to the Mt. Zion and the “Clock Church” as its described in the show, all the way to three muslims hotspots with a Muslim Shiek as the guide. time-will-tell-obeliskNext Keith finds its necessary to go straight to the source of Christianity and flew to Rome to get a new perspective.  Tired from his trip, Keith points out obelisks, time-keeping pieces that take up entire floors of Cathedrals, and more gods and goddesses to count.

The goal of the show is to look deeper into where we get our time.

Where does the Western world get its calendar from?

Where does the Jewish world get its calendar from?

Where does the muslim world get its calendar from?

What does God have to say about time, our calendar, and other calendars?

keith-johnson-tvThese are questions that most people don’t think about, but they are a cause of great dissension across the ages.

If you are a scholar of the Bible, a respecter of God’s written word, you should ask yourself, how can I align myself to the very precepts of our Creator, YHVH?

I believe Keith Johnson has put together a great series so far and I can’t wait to see the rest of it.

If you want to watch it, you can actually watch it Free in HD each week its on TV.

You start watching for free here: Time Will Tell Series

Learn More about : Keith Johnson

Learn More about his ministry: Biblical Foundations Academy International

If you’ve watched the show I’d love to get your feedback, please comment below